Local Adaptation
of World of Communities
Simulation Board Game

PROPOSAL // For: Any International Partner // Date: 13.03.2024


World of Communities is an EdTech pioneer from Ukraine, creating educational simulation games to enhance community development and civic engagement. Our flagship, the World of Communities Board Game, is recognized for fostering essential skills for democratic engagement across Ukraine and beyond. This proposal outlines a collaboration with Any International Partner (AIP) to adapt the game into a foreign language, fostering civil society development in the country.
Our game aligns with civil society development objectives by promoting sustainable community development, enhancing civic engagement, and facilitating democratic processes through grassroots activism. It serves as a powerful educational tool, offering experiential learning to strengthen communities and support civil society.
Adaptation Strategy● Localization: Adapt game content to the New country context, including translation into the preferred language to ensure cultural and contextual relevance.● Facilitator Training: Develop and deliver a certified training program for local game masters.● Facilitation Guide: Create a comprehensive guide to assist game masters in effectively conducting the game sessions in community hubs, CSOs, schools, youth centers, libraries, etc.
Implementation Plan and Budget● Preliminary Adaptation: Research, content adaptation, and production of a pilot version (30 copies). Timeline: 3-4 months. Budget: from $30,000 to $75000 (depending on the involvement of the partner - the higher the involvement, the cheaper the adaptation).● Master Facilitator Training: Train and certify facilitators in the country. Timeline: 1 month. Budget: from $20,000 (approximately $1,000 for 1 facilitator, excluding logistics costs).● Pilot Adaptation: Test the game in select communities, and collect feedback. Timeline: 2-3 months. Budget: TBD● Feedback and Refinement: Adjust content and training based on pilot feedback. Timeline: 2-3 months. Budget: TBD● Broad Deployment: Expand the facilitator network, and organize sessions across regions. Timeline: Ongoing. Budget: TBD
Note: Detailed budget for phases 3-5 to be discussed upon partnership agreement.
Partnership Benefits● Increased Engagement: Engagement of new participants in partner's activities through interactive learning.● Enhanced Educational Outcomes: Development of essential skills in problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership.● Broader Awareness: Raise awareness of different communities' challenges and foster international advocacy.● Strengthened Community Bonds: Promotion of collaborative problem-solving and strategy development.● Educational and Organizational Growth: Complementing existing programs, and enhancing partners' capacity to engage and educate.
The joint adaptation of the World of Communities Board Game offers a strategic opportunity to enhance civic education and community engagement in your country, aligning with the social development goals.
Contact InformationFor further discussions and to outline the next steps, please contact:Taras Tymchuk, Co-Founder: au.gro.cow%40ttMykhailo Voitovych, Project Coordinator: au.gro.cow%40emag
We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with any international partners to empower and develop civil society through this innovative educational initiative.

Background of World of Communities

World of Communities is an EdTech company based in Ukraine, specializing in creating educational simulation games and gamification solutions to enhance community development and engagement. Founded on the belief that active citizen participation is crucial for the sustainable social and economic development of local communities, World of Communities has been pioneering the development of innovative tools since 2016. These tools empower citizens to take charge of their lives and communities by providing them with a deep understanding of the mechanisms that underpin healthy and prosperous societies.
The World of Communities Board Game, our flagship product, stands as the first Ukrainian multiplayer co-op strategy board game that closely models real-life scenarios, including decision-making, conflict resolution, and community development. Designed by a team of professionals with rich backgrounds in facilitation, civil society, community development aid, and the private sector, the game was launched in November 2016.
As a potent capacity development tool, the game is utilized by individual trainers and consultants, alongside international organizations, funds, and development projects, such as DVV International in Ukraine, UNDP, the DOBRE Project (funded by USAID), the ENGAGE Project, and the Ukrainian Social Investment Fund.
Recognized for its effectiveness in civic education, the World of Communities Simulation Board Game was honored by the Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education (EENCE) in 2019 as the best civic education project aimed at activating communities. Additionally, it has become an integral part of training programs for integrating internally displaced persons (IDPs) and has been utilized in every fourth Youth Centre in Ukraine for youth civic education.
Our company is trusted by more than 200 municipalities in Ukraine, and development organizations, CSOs, schools, and youth centers. This trust underscores our commitment to developing gamification solutions for community development and addressing human unproductive behavior changes, thereby contributing to the formation of a network of practitioners who leverage serious games and gamification in community development strategies.
Impact of World of Communities Board Game
The World of Communities Board Game has demonstrated substantial positive impact and outcomes through its audience profile and impact studies conducted in 2017 and 2019. These studies, encompassing a wide range of experts and players across Ukraine, have provided valuable insights into the game's effectiveness in fostering key competencies and driving engagement in community development and civic education.

2017 Audience Profile and Impact Study
Conducted over two weeks in December 2017, this study involved 71 experts across 20 Ukrainian regions, who organized approximately 350 public games engaging 3,358 players. The findings from this comprehensive analysis revealed significant advancements in several competencies critical for community development and personal growth:
Problem-solving: 71.83% of participants reported improvements, highlighting the game's effectiveness in developing critical thinking and decision-making skills.
Collaborative Work: 69.01% noted advancements in teamwork abilities, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in community initiatives.
Networking: 60.56% of players experienced better networking skills, underlining the game's role in building connections within communities.
Learning Skills: 54.93% found enhancements in their ability to learn and adapt, a crucial component for ongoing personal and community development.
Understanding Local Politics and Community Engagement: Over half of the respondents (52.11%) reported increased understanding and engagement, indicating the game's utility in raising political awareness and participation.
Additionally, the game was recognized for its educational value in community development (66.20%), its ability to activate engagement (57.75%), and its use in team-building (35.21%) and strategic planning (29.58%).
2019 Audience Profile and Impact Study
The 2019 study, conducted from December 20, 2019, to January 22, 2020, involved 90 experts from 23 Ukrainian regions and included the organization of approximately 1,250 public games with over 5,598 players. Key findings from this study include:
Audience Profile: Predominantly urban (87.32%) with more female (56.34%) than male (43.66%) participants. This demonstrates the game's wide appeal and ability to engage diverse groups.
Organizational Involvement: High engagement from public and charitable organizations (59.15%), followed by small businesses and government entities. Community activists, institutional workers, youth, and entrepreneurs were notably engaged (78.87%).
Competence Development: Significant improvements were reported in problem-solving (71.83%), teamwork (69.01%), networking (60.56%), and learning skills (54.93%), with notable enhancements in leadership (50.70%) and entrepreneurial skills (38.03%).
The 2019 study also highlighted personal changes among participants:
Relationships: Improved by 67%, indicating enhanced interpersonal skills.
Perspective Broadening: 63% reported an enhanced ability to see problems more comprehensively.
Leadership Qualities: Improved by 65%, showing the game's impact on fostering leadership skills.
Collaboration Willingness: 59% found an increased willingness to collaborate on common tasks.
Inspiration for Change and Community Participation: Experienced by 55% and noted by 54% of respondents, respectively.
Learning Abilities: Improved by 44%, emphasizing the game's educational benefits.
These studies affirm the World of Communities Board Game as a powerful tool for leadership, civic education, trust-building, and the development of soft skills. Its effectiveness in enhancing competencies, engaging communities, and inspiring change among a broad audience base underscores its potential as a transformative tool for community development and engagement.
Localization of World of Communities Board Game
Expanding on our journey of impact and outreach, the World of Communities Board Game has seen notable milestones beyond the borders of Ukraine, demonstrating its adaptability and relevance in various cultural and linguistic contexts.
In 2020, in collaboration with DVV International, we achieved a significant milestone by localizing the game in Moldova. This effort led to the training and certification of 16 master facilitators proficient in Romanian, enabling them to effectively use this tool within local communities. This localization not only marked an expansion of our geographic reach but also highlighted the game's versatility in addressing the unique needs of communities in Moldova.

More: https://worldofcommunities.org/home/in-moldova
The following year, in 2021, the game made its debut in Georgia, further extending its influence in the region. In this new setting, we trained and certified 5 masters who could facilitate the game in English, ensuring the tool's accessibility to a broader audience in Georgia. This step reinforced our commitment to fostering community development and engagement through educational simulation, regardless of language barriers.

In 2018, the game was successfully introduced with the support of BRAMA (USAID funded, Pact implemented project) in Belarus during the Sakavitsky CSO fair, marking an exciting development in our efforts to support community engagement and development in Eastern Europe. However, the political circumstances in Belarus presented challenges, leading to the postponement of the game's full localization process within the country. Despite this setback, the initial introduction in Belarus is a testament to the game's potential to engage and empower communities, even in complex political environments.

These expansions into Moldova, Georgia, and Belarus not only illustrate the adaptability and appeal of the World of Communities Board Game but also underscore our commitment to facilitating leadership, civic education, trust-building, and soft skills development across diverse cultural landscapes. Our endeavors in these countries reflect our ongoing mission to empower citizens globally to actively participate in the sustainable development of their communities.

Alignment of Objectives

How the World of Communities Board Game aligns with civil society development objectives
The World of Communities Board Game aligns closely with the objectives of civil society development in several key areas, offering a unique and engaging tool to further their mission of creating sustainable communities, establishing safe communication channels, and strengthening democracy through grassroots activism. Here’s how the game complements the goals:
Creating Sustainable Communities
Community development and engagement: The game simulates real-life community development scenarios, teaching players the importance of collaboration, strategic planning, and effective decision-making. By encouraging players to think critically about the challenges and opportunities within their communities, the game fosters a deeper understanding of what it takes to build sustainable, resilient communities.
Capacity building: Through its focus on problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership, the game serves as a capacity-building tool, equipping players with the skills necessary for active civic participation and community leadership. This directly supports the goal of empowering communities to become more self-reliant and impactful.
Establishing Safe Communication Channels
Promotion of dialogue and understanding: The collaborative nature of the game promotes open dialogue and mutual understanding among players. The game's framework encourages players to discuss various strategies and viewpoints, facilitating a safe space for communication and learning.
Networking and connection building: By bringing people together in a constructive and engaging environment, the game acts as a catalyst for networking, helping players to form connections that can lead to real-world collaborations and support networks. This aligns to foster a sense of unity and mutual assistance among Belarusian communities.
Strengthening Democracy Through Grassroots Activism
Understanding local politics and civic engagement: The game's scenarios often involve navigating local political landscapes, offering players insights into the workings of governance and the importance of civic engagement. This experiential learning approach helps demystify political processes and encourages players to become more involved in democratic practices at the grassroots level.
Activating engagement and leadership: With a focus on community activation and the development of leadership skills, the game inspires players to take initiative and assume leadership roles within their communities. This is in line with the vision of a strong and active local community capable of influencing societal change and defending its rights and interests.
The World of Communities Board Game is more than just a tool for entertainment; it's an educational platform that mirrors the civil society development objectives in tangible ways. By simulating the complexities of community development, promoting safe and constructive communication, and fostering an understanding of democratic engagement, the game serves as a powerful ally in the mission to build sustainable communities, facilitate mutual assistance, and strengthen democracy through grassroots activism.
Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills
The game's structured yet dynamic environment encourages players to confront and navigate complex scenarios that mirror real-life community challenges. By doing so, it significantly enhances participants' problem-solving capabilities. This aligns with creating sustainable communities, as it equips individuals with the analytical and creative thinking skills necessary to address and resolve issues impacting their communities' sustainability and growth.
Fostering Teamwork
Teamwork is at the heart of the World of Communities Board Game. Players must collaborate, share resources, and strategize together to achieve common objectives, mirroring the collaborative efforts needed in community development and activism. This aspect of the game directly supports the objective of establishing safe communication channels, as it promotes open dialogue, mutual understanding, and collaboration among community members. Through gameplay, participants learn the value of working together, a critical component in strengthening community bonds and fostering a culture of cooperation and mutual support.
Developing Leadership Skills
Leadership development is another key benefit of the game, with scenarios designed to place players in decision-making roles, thereby cultivating leadership qualities such as initiative, vision, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. This enhancement of leadership skills is crucial for the vision of an active community capable of influencing civic life and defending its rights and interests. Leaders emerge from the game with a strengthened capacity to lead grassroots initiatives, organize community actions, and advocate for democratic values and change.
Promoting Community Engagement
The game has been proven to activate and increase community engagement among its participants. By simulating real community development projects and initiatives, it provides a practical understanding of civic engagement and the impact individuals can have on their communities. This experiential learning approach is invaluable for a mission to support the development of communities worldwide. It encourages individuals to take an active role in their local communities, enhancing their engagement in civic life and contributing to the strengthening of democracy through grassroots activism.
In summary, the World of Communities Board Game not only aligns with but actively supports the objectives of civil society development. Its proven capabilities in enhancing essential skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, and community engagement serve as a bridge between the theoretical aspects of civic education and the practical realities of grassroots activism and community development.

Adaptation Strategy

Customization for Local Context: Adaptation of the game's scenarios and content to reflect the specific challenges and opportunities faced by local communities, incorporating elements of local self-governance, internet safety, and grassroots democracy.
Training of trainers: Conduct a certified workshop to develop mastering skills to conduct and facilitate the World of Communities Game for partner’s purposes.
Educational Programs Integration: Utilisation of the game within the partner's educational programs and local self-governance, facilitating learning through interactive play.
Support for Community Initiatives: piloting the game as a tool for engagement and strategy development in yard communities and civic initiatives supported by the partner.
Implementation Plan and Budget
To outline a phased implementation plan for the localization of the World of Communities Board Game for the partner, considering the process requires careful adaptation to ensure cultural relevance and effectiveness in engaging local communities. The plan would include initial adaptation, piloting in select communities, gathering feedback, and refining the game for broader deployment. Here's a detailed phased implementation plan:
Phase 1: Preliminary Adaptation
Objective: Adapt the game's content to align with the cultural, social, and political contexts relevant to local communities.
Conduction of research to understand the specific needs, challenges, and aspirations of the communities
Engagement with local experts, historians, and community leaders to ensure the game's scenarios are culturally and contextually appropriate.
Translation and localization of game materials into the preferred languages, as necessary.
Production and delivery pilot version.
Timeline: 3-4 months
Budget: from $30000
Phase 2: Master Facilitator Training
Objective: Train (offline) and certify master facilitators who are proficient in the game's methodology and can effectively engage participants.
Develop a training program for potential facilitators, focusing on game mechanics, facilitation skills, and how to guide discussions post-gameplay.
Identify and select candidates from various regions to ensure wide geographic coverage.
Conduct an intensive training workshop for the selected candidates.
Timeline: 1-month
Budget: from $20000 (Logistics is not included)
Phase 3: Pilot Adaptation in Select Communities
Objective: Pilot the localized version of the game in a small number of diverse communities to evaluate its effectiveness and gather initial feedback.
Choose a variety of pilot environments, including urban and rural communities, to test the game's adaptability across different settings.
Organize public game sessions led by the newly trained facilitators.
Collect data on participant engagement, learning outcomes, and overall experience through surveys and focus groups.
Timeline: 2-3 months
Budget: TBD
Phase 4: Feedback Gathering and Refinement
Objective: Analyze feedback from the pilot phase to refine the game further and improve its impact.
Compile and analyze feedback from participants, facilitators, and observers to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Make necessary adjustments to game content, materials, and facilitation strategies based on the feedback.
Update training materials for facilitators to incorporate any changes or additional insights.
Timeline: 2-3 months
Budget: TBD
Phase 5: Broad Deployment and Continuous Improvement
Objective: Roll out the refined game across a wider range of local communities and establish a process for ongoing feedback and improvement.
Expand the network of trained facilitators across the country to increase the game's reach.
Organize a series of game sessions in various regions, utilizing the partners' network.
Establish a mechanism for continuous feedback collection and periodic updates to the game and training materials.
Timeline: Ongoing
Budget: TBD
Monitoring and Evaluation
Throughout all phases, it's crucial to implement a robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework to assess the game's impact on participants' skills and community engagement. This M&E framework will help in making data-driven decisions and adjustments to the implementation plan.
This phased implementation plan is designed to ensure that the World of Communities Board Game is effectively localized for local communities, promoting leadership, civic education, trust-building, and community development in alignment with the partners’ objectives.

Partnership Benefits

The proposal for adapting the "World of Communities" game presents a strategic opportunity to enhance civil society development. This adaptation will not only serve as an innovative educational tool but also as a means to engage and empower local communities, fostering a deeper understanding of civic participation and its significance. The mutual benefits of this initiative are substantial.
Mutual Benefits
Increased Engagement in the Partner's Activities
The introduction of the "World of Communities" game is poised to significantly boost engagement in the activities. By providing a dynamic and interactive platform for learning and discussion, the game will attract new participants and partners to the partners' projects. This enhanced engagement will expand the organization's influence and increase its resources for achieving common objectives, thereby strengthening its impact on community development and civic activism.
Enhanced Educational Outcomes
Adapting the game to the local language and tailoring its content to reflect local contexts and challenges will ensure maximum accessibility and relevance for local participants. The game's immersive learning environment will foster creativity, innovation, and interaction among players, contributing to the development of key management, collaboration, and leadership skills. These skills are essential for effective community activism and the promotion of democratic values, aligning with the vision of supporting civil society development.
Broader Awareness of the Challenges Faced by Communities
The "World of Communities" game will serve as a powerful platform for raising awareness about the importance of civic participation. Through gameplay, participants will explore scenarios that mirror real-life issues, enabling them to develop a deeper understanding of these challenges and potential solutions. This awareness is crucial for building a society focused on democracy and the rule of law, and for empowering citizens to take an active role in protecting their rights and interests.
Strengthening Civic Awareness and Participation
The game will act as an effective tool for enhancing civic awareness among members of yard communities and other active citizens, teaching them the principles of self-organization and governance. This is vital for the formation of stable civic structures and the overall development of democracy and civil society.
Formation of a Network of Collaboration and Support
By facilitating interactions among players from various communities, the game will contribute to the formation of a collaborative network among yard communities, civic organizations, and other stakeholders. This network will ensure mutual support and resource sharing, strengthening the bonds among activists and enhancing the collective capacity to address community challenges and protect citizens' rights.
In summary, the adaptation of the "World of Communities" game represents a strategic initiative that aligns with the goals and vision of civil society development. It offers significant mutual benefits, including increased engagement, enhanced educational outcomes, and broader awareness of the challenges facing communities.

Contact Information
For further discussion, please contact Taras Tymchuk (au.gro.cow%40tt) or Mykhailo Voitovych (au.gro.cow%40emag)