Gamification solutions forCommunity Development, Human Behavior Change and Overcoming Stereotypes
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What we do
In 2016 we developed a new tool - World of Communities: Coopetition - social impact board game that allow citizens to take responsibility for their lives and communities, deeply understand how the mechanisms behind healthy and prosperous societies work in practice.
Since then our company is developing a national network of practitioners that use serious games and gamification in the field of community development, design and implementation of projects and community development strategies.
World of Communities players (4-5 players) build their community based on game scenarios. To win the game, players need to develop the community, extend public infrastructure, manage community assets wisely, launch new businesses, develop professional skills, increase level of health and happiness.
What is more, throughout this collective effort to build a sustainable community, each player have to face a variety of tough life choices, thus learning how to balance between life and work, private interests and common good.
● Build a close-knit team● Identify informal leaders● Model group decision making● Diagnose your team
● Develop leadership skills● Boost entrepreneurship skills● Raise civic awareness among youth
● Learn about community development tools● Engage community members to decision making● Model community development scenarios
Practical cases
- Once I hold the game session and the women who was working in Social Service Center played as a retiree.After the game we were discussing the game results, sharing our impressions about the game and when it was her turn to speak, she started crying: "For 20 years I have been working with retirees. And during this 20 years I have considered them as a beggars who come to me with their problems. I haven`t seen what benefits they can actually bring to the city and I am very sorry for that now"
Taras Tymchuk, co-author of the game
More than 200 Certified game Masters in Ukraine
12 game Masters in Moldova
Customer research
Exploration the real need of potential game users in the target country1 month
Concept Game design
Survey results analysis, creating game content solutions to solve detected problems and game content translation
1 month
Issuing of first prototypes and game testing with the target audience (future users)
1 month
Facilitation guide
Creating additional methodological materials with practical cases and lifehacks about holding game sessions with different audiences and purposes according to the results of customers needs assesment
1 month
Final release
Making last corrections and final game production
After 4 months from the beginning
Game Masters Certification
Online educational program for certified instructors who can use World of Communities game tool in the area of civic education and community development1 month
Project Evaluation
Next steps planning
After 5 months from the beginning
We are glad to have lots of feedback from our customers. Below is what they found playing World of Communities on a regular basis:
Users have improved their relations with other people and organizations
Users realized their ability to influence local politics
They already use the game in the work and projects
Feel free to contact me
Nataliia Harasivka
Project Manager, World of Communites LLC
Phone: +38 067 438 17 40
E-mail: au.gro.cow%40mp